Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quickest Way to Twinview with Ubuntu Heron

There are far too many poor ways to get X config to see two monitors. I know, because I've tried and forgotten them all. Linux has always been very bad at detecting video cards and changing desktop resolutions. Sure, I know all the reasons why, and I know how to manual edit my xorg.conf file. However, I should not have too. OSX and Windows have been making this easy enough for my elderly parents to do, why can't linux.

Well, I first must admin, Ubunut and other modern distros have come a long way on this front. I recently did an install of 8.04 and everything was pretty good out of the box. Next, I could choose the proprietary driver without problems either. All good. Except I have two monitors and I could not find a control panel anywhere to enable this. Hmm, guess linux is not quite there yet. Still, a quick search on the next brings up some help. Unfortunately nearly all of it is to edit the xorg.conf file by hand. I'm done with that. I used to do that. Now, if that is really where I have to go, then I'll pay M$ or Apple and not use Linux. Yes it's that important.

Anyway, I did find this great site:

Here it helps you install one simple package called EnvyNG. Then, once installed you can install better proprietary drivers. Enable twinview and enjoy. All without text editing. Now why hasn't someone made this part of Ubuntu?

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