Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Red Hat 4 AS and Ubuntu 6.06

Ok, I'm sure I'll get flack for this one, but here goes:
If you can, use Red Hat.
I know, I know, Ubuntu is cool. Open source rocks. It's one of my mantra's too. However, there is a reason you pay for Red Hat. It's solid, it works, there's help.

I just moved our webserver again today. Third time in 4 months. First it was SUSE 10 (there must be a reason for that distro, but I haven't found it), then Ubuntu 6.06 LAMP install (good, but not good enough), now Red Hat 4 AS.

Of the three the installs it was the least painful. Being able to download current rpms of software is great. Using up2date is almost as good as apt-get. The interface seems solid. Even things as simple as plugging in a usb HD is seamless. Not so in Ubuntu 6.06.

Of course I still use mostly open source. Moodle is amazing and I just wouldn't use Linux without webmin. Red Hat for us is like $50.00 / year (education price). That is money well spent. So, until the next release of Ubuntu, we're a Red Hat house!

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