Saturday, November 25, 2006

How did I miss this awesome concept (Really free and fast Software!)

Check this out now!

Imagine having a full version of MS Office with you on any computer at any time... Well, now you can (almost). You do need an internet connection, and it's not MS Office. But it is an office alternative that is very mature and works well. It reads and writes the MS Office file types and loads amazingly fast. I am seriously considering this for our school EVEN THOUGH WE OWN MS OFFICE!

Why? Well, our schools increasingly put pressure on our students to use the same software they use at school while at home too. Case in point: my niece continues to start projects in MS Office at school, and then expects to be able to email them to herself and work on them at home. Only they can not afford MS Office (even the student version), and so they cannot work. Yes, they can use an alternative like Open Office, but it is quite slow on their older computer.

The beauty of this solution is the processing is done server side, so it runs just fine on older machines, and you can store 1 gb of stuff on their servers. You don't even have to email back and forth. Schools need to seriously consider this!

I hope I peaked your curiosity. Go and check this out!

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