Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Multiple Machines from one Keyboard and Mouse

Ok, that sounds like the obvious KVM line. Not so. Instead I'm talking about controlling and using multiple machines from one keyboard and mouse that is simply hooked up to one computer (no special cables or boxes). Why? Well, if you need to ask, this is probably not for you. I need it since I bring a notebook around wherever I go and I often sit at a desk that has a nice computer, but I still need my notebook. This is especially true of my own desk at school.

If you are a windows person, you should check out Maxivista. Great software, works fantastic on an XP box. Easily use your notebook as a second screen to the main desktop, or control both from the same keyboard and mouse. You pay, but it's worth it.

Not as sexy, but still very useful is Synergy. This will install on linux/max/windows. It allows you to use one keyboard and mouse on many machines without connecting them (they do both need to be on the same network). I will not explain how since the website does a fine job, instead I'm simply endorsing it.

I now come to work, open up the notebook, run the synergy client command (there is a GUI, but I could not get it to work) and then I can work both machines on my desk from the full keyboard and mouse that is attached to the desktop. Try it!

1 comment:

Jonathan Konrad said...

Wow, the cool goes deeper. I know needed to restart my desktop machine at work into WinXp. I still have my notebook running Ubuntu.

I very easily installed Synergy on my XP machine and now zip my mouse and keyboard back and forth between machines and remain in full control of either XP or Ubuntu from one set of inputs. AWESOME!