Wednesday, May 9, 2007

NeoOffice How did I miss this one?

Well everyone knows about OpenOffice. A great, open source, office package. In case you have not and, you own a Linux or MS box, you should visit this site, download the software and be amazed at the quality of the product.

What has always burned me a bit was the less than easy X11 port for Mac users. From time to time I have installed it and tried it. However, in the end, I just would not keep using it since it took more resources to run and ultimately suffered from not being Aqua. Now I find out there is a mature and robust OpenOffice for Mac designed for Aqua. It's called NeoOffice. Apparently it's been around for years, and has a great user base. So I downloaded it. WOW. Truly amazing. If you need an office package get this. Get it now! Usable for home, business or school. The only thing left to answer is why did I not hear of this earlier?


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