Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Where is PALM going?

I've written about this before, but I find it very frustrating. PALM is a great PDA. For years it enjoyed being the top kid on the block. However, a while ago the Microsoft behemoth swept in and has really taken over. Why? I'm not qualified to give the complete answer, but it seems to me that PALM has staggered from a loss of direction an innovation. It took them too long to get Wifi, SMS, and fast processors. Tying in to corporate email servers with push technology also too slow to emerge.
Having said all that, these pieces are in place. Why is PALM not picking up steam again? Perhaps it is a lack of support for developers and a clear picture of how linux and the Access group will work out. Also, why is this transition taking so long? If they are moving to linux, why is not out already? Why can we not upgrade our devices to this new linux?

There is a great community for PALM still out there, but it feels like it's slimming down. We need new machines, and some new development from PALM source, and we need it now!

If you are looking to develop for PALM on Mac it's getting harder too. I found this great site devoted to helping use PRC-Tools on Mac, but it's discontinued. Anyway, the fellow there is nice, check it out. Zenonez

Also, here is the developer who finally got SMS working as it should on PALM. They also wrote a program for helping the LifeDrive run smoother. If you have a LifeDrive, you must go here and purchase SharkCache. This developer is a really great PALM ally. Ludus

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