Look no further than Digsby. This program really is an all-in-one wonder. I have lots of digital friends, or friends that are digital. One problem I have though is that they are all on different networks. So a program like Pidgin or Digsby helps me run only one program and still get in touch with all of them. A nice touch with Digsby is that by creating a Digsby account, I only have to enter my IM, Social Networking, and email info once and now it follows me on each of the four computers I use on a regular basis. Cool.
MAJOR pain though was the install. Be very careful or you will install all kinds of worthless junk on to your computer. I know they need to make money, but that was over the top.
In the end, a great program. Runs on Mac, Linux, and PC. Great for me since I regularly use all three!