Sunday, February 11, 2007

SpanningSync a must for Mac Goole users

If you use Google and a Mac grab this app. Sure, it's beta. Sure it has bugs, but Google calendar rocks, and now you can sync with iCal and from their to PALM.

This is way cool. I can't wait till they work the bugs out and sell this beauty. Here is the link:

A thought is sneaking in here .... is Google slowly taking over my life ....

Friday, February 2, 2007

Real Programming Real Simple with REALbasic!

I'm not sure if you have had the joy of teaching under-motivated high school students programming. If you haven't, let me assure you, it's not easy. To that end I have tried various gimmics and tricks to pour C++, JAVA, or Basic code into their emerging mindsets. All with some difficulty. There are many free compilers out there in cyberspace that students can use, but they all suffer from a lack of ease-of-use. The "for pay" RADs (rapid application development), like Microsoft VB Studio are good tools, but only run in Windows, and cost money.

Well, now enter RealBasic. This programming GUI and RAD has been around for some time. I've used it with great success in our schools running on Macs for years. It was a good day when they came over to Windows too, just because most of my students have Win boxes at home. Now they offer an up-to-date Linux version that is easy to use and is currently FREE. That's right, FREE!

If you teach programming, and use Linux, run, not walk, over to and grab a copy. This program is worth paying for and I recommend it for all platforms, but I can't say enough if you are using Linux. Get it today and then grab their released curriculum and start enjoying teaching programming again!